Guidance for the special steps of your journey

Ready to climb the final mountain in your journey to getting your pup registered as a Therapy Dog? Or maybe you’ve hit some obstacles in your path together in the form of unwanted behaviors.
Whether it’s getting ready for testing or competition, or getting a little extra help addressing common behavior concerns, custom training packages can help!

Therapy Dog Prep
Gain confidence as you prepare for team testing to become a working Therapy or Visiting Dog team. Also great preparation for the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test.

Polite Walking Practice
Polite walking need a brush up? Great options for improving your pup’s leash skills to reduce pulling and make walks more enjoyable.

Problem Solving
If you or your pup are struggling with issues like barking, jumping, polite in-home behavior, fear or reactivity on leash, we can tailor a custom plan to get you the help you need!

Custom Training
Looking for something different? I can tailor a plan to help you get to your training goals!

Visiting Dog Prep Package
If your journey goals include bringing joy to others as a Visiting Dog Team (sometimes called a Therapy Dog Team), I can help you tackle the extra training you might need prior to team evaluation with a local or national visiting dog group.
The Visiting Dog Prep Package includes an initial 90-minute evaluation of you and your dog’s skills, desires and goals, followed by focused coaching sessions to help you navigate and trouble shoot any skill areas you are struggling with. We’ll explore the typical behaviors asked for in a team test, objectively evaluate your dog’s desire to become a working dog, and help you prepare for a calm and confident testing day.
This package is also a wonderful way to prepare for Canine Good Citizen (CGC) testing!
Ready to light up with world with your amazing teamwork? Let's talk!
The perfect path if you’re seeking focused coaching to really help strengthen your skills and experience prior to testing. We will review test areas, practice needed visiting skills in public, and boost your confidence in your communication with your pup!
4 weeks, 1 visit per week + 90-minute initial evaluation
Package includes:
- 5.5 hours total (1 initial visit, 4 training sessions)
- Custom tip print outs & video tutorials
- Focused coaching to help you prepare for visiting work
- Access to weekly virtual Office Hours for extra support throughout package
$710 + tax
A great path if there are just a few items you and your pup want to improve on prior to testing.
2 weeks, 1 visit per week + 90-minute initial evaluation
Package includes:
- 3.5 hours total (1 initial visit, 2 training sessions)
- Custom tip print outs & video tutorials
- Focused coaching to help you prepare for visiting work
$430 + tax

Polite Walking Refresher
Politely walking on a lose leash is one of the skills we most want from our companion dogs.
It’s also a skill that takes lots of practice, and that can deteriorate quickly without it!
My Polite Walking Refresher package is a great way to jump back into practice with focused training if your dog is pulling or distracted during regular walks. Great for established Quest teams or if you are a new client only seeking assistance with this behavior.
Note: Is your dog lunging, jumping, barking or growling at other dogs, cars, or people on leash? Then please see my Problem Solving section for working with leash reactivity.
Ready for polite, peaceful walks? Let's talk!
A great path if you do not have much time to work directly with your dog yourself, if you simply want the advantage of having an expert do your training for you, or if you want an intensive polite walking immersion for your dog in a shorter amount of time.
With Day Training, I do the “heavy lifting” for you! I come to your home 4 times/week for 1-hour training sessions. Three sessions a week I work directly with your dog. You do not even have to be there (although you are more than welcome to watch!). Then, for one last meeting per week, you and I work together to show you how to maintain the better leash skills your dog is learning.
2 weeks, 4 visits per week
Package includes:
- 10 hours total (1 initial visit, 8 training sessions, 1 follow-up)
- Custom tip print outs
- Focused coaching to help you maintain polite walking skills
$1,360 + tax
Pick this path if you are looking for a less-intensive but fully hands-on training experience with your pup! We’ll meet three times with your dog and discuss tricks and tools to make walking more enjoyable for you both!
3 weeks, 1 visit per week
Package includes:
- 5 hours total (1 initial visit, 3 training sessions, 1 follow-up)
- Custom tip print outs
- Focused coaching to help you maintain polite walking skills
$660 + tax

Problem Solving
Jumping and barking on leash.
Shyness and fear.
Frustrating behavior caused by high energy.
Sometimes our canine relationship dreams and the reality of living with another species don't quite line up. Luckily, there are great solutions to many of these issues that don't rely on startling or scaring your dog, and that DO help build better understanding and strengthen your bond.
Through my problem solving packages, we’ll consider what behaviors are causing a heartache in your home, and come up with a training plan to address them. Each custom-built package starts with a 60-minute initial consult (in person or via Zoom, depending on your wishes and the problem you are experiencing) where we discuss what you are experiencing and cover some quick relief options. From there, we’ll decide on the training path that’s best for you.
Note: At this time, I do not work with dogs who have bitten and caused injury to a human, or who have caused physical harm to another animal. If you need assistance with these types of concerns, please contact me to find out about other trainers in our area who do.
Need a little relief? Let’s chat!
(decided on at our initial consult)
4 visit (smallest Problem Solving package available)
$560 + tax*
6 visit
$840 + tax*
8 visit (minimum required for Leash Reactivity)
$1120 + tax*
10 visit
$1400 + tax*
*Payment plan options available for all packages over 4 weeks

Custom Training
If you have big plans for you and your dog and you want a guide to get you there, I’m here for you! No matter what your goal, let’s work together to set you on the right path!
Custom training packages are the best option if your seeking training assistance for something not covered by another package. Each custom-built package will include an initial consult where we discuss what you are experiencing. From there, we’ll decide on the training path that’s best for you.
Initial consult
Ready to take the next steps? Let’s talk!